The sea of Cortez in Baja California Sur is one of the world’s most diverse bodies of water in the world! From tiny critters to the largest animal to have ever lived, this area provides an opportunity of a lifetime to experience a wide array of interactions.
During the summer months in the Sea of Cortez we can witness a magnificent migration of Mobula rays. They can aggregate in hundreds or even thousands allowing free divers and snorkelers experience one of the most spectacular events on the planet.
Mobulas are filter-feeding elasmobranchs that can reach up to 3.6 ft in size and jump out of the water in groups. They migrate from the Gulf of California all the way to Peru.
Along with the Mobula, we are veery likely to encounter different species of cetaceans – Pilot whales, False killer whales, Dolphins, Sperm whales and with a high likelihood – Orca!
on our latest expedition we have swam with Mobula, Orca, Beaked whales, Dolphins, Whale sharks, Seals, Sharks, Dolphin fish, turtles……..
La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
15-21 June 2025
We will meet you in La Ventana. If you require an airport Taxi, we will be happy to arrange this for you. After check-in and a short orientation we will hold a safety briefing.
You will have time to snorkel, enjoy the beach and a chef prepared dinner
07:00: After an early breakfast we head out to look for the rays. We may travel over 100km per day in search for the best encounters.
We employ a spotter plane to locate the action. This is an incredible addition as we are usually the first to locate the animals.
We may run a snorkelling / Freediving session next to one of the many reefs. This depends on the desire of the group.
Lunch will be served on the boat.
Boat returns to the shore when we are ready to go home…
Dinner in the hotel
After breakfast we will say our goodbyes and will head over to the airport in time for the last flight out from La Paz.
This was my third trip with Freediving Holidays(Whale Encounters) and Erez. All the trips are professionally run with safety first and respectful boundaries to wildlife. The mobula trip in Baja was extraordinary with amazing encounters with orcas everyday, a giant whale shark, rare baird beaked whales, mobula rays, pelagic fish, dolphins, and sea lions. The boats were fast and comfortable and having the spotter plan was essential to covering a large area for the encounters. If you love ocean life and dream of swimming with these sea creatures, highly recommend Erez and Whale Encounters.
A trip for the ages. Whales, dolphins, sea lions, rays, turtles, whale sharks. Sea of Cortez’s marine diversity and it’s beautiful scenery are truly mesmerising not to be missed.
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